United Methodist Men at First UMC West Memphis
The United Methodist Men at FUMCWM consists of a group of men ranging from their 20’s to 80+. The entire group meets roughly once a month (unless the usual meeting is replaced by a special event). We meet on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. in Deneke Hall or the Fellowship Hall (if a special event is happening in Deneke). Dinner is served at meetings – bring a few dollars to cover costs.
Our chapter seeks to be active in our community. In any given year we:
Host a Valentine’s Banquet to raise funds for our mission and ministry
Organize churchwide fellowship events (including fishing trips, youth duck hunts, fish fry)
Sponsor community projects and needs (sponsor sports activities through the local Boys and Girls Club, fund installation of playground equipment for area preschools)
Work with United Methodist Women to provide college scholarships to graduating seniors
Sell smoked Thanksgiving turkeys to fund our ministries
If you are interested in learning more about us, come to a meeting or call or text Ben Grafton or Mark Felker.