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FUMCWM children encounter Christ in the church that welcomes them, are encouraged to grow in their faith through weekly programs and special events, and engage in loving our neighbors through regular mission work in town.

Nursery available every Sunday 8:45AM-12:00PM


Children are engaged  in Worship on Sunday mornings at 9AM and 11AM


Age appropriate Sunday School classes offered during the Sunday School hours at 10AM on Sunday mornings.



First Kids mid-week program meets from 6-7PM Wednesdays during the academic school year for a time of music, games, activities, bible lessons, and more!



Each year 6th grade students participate in Confirmation class in order to gain a deeper understanding of their faith and the United Methodist tradition. Each Spring the Confirmation class is presented to the church and participants are invited to be baptized or confirmed into the United Methodist Church.


For more information about our children's ministry, contact us

For information about our Preschool Program, contact Cindy Cole

First United Methodist Church


215 N. Missouri Street

West Memphis, AR 72301

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How Can We Help?

Thank you for your message. For assistance, please call the church office at 870-735-1805 or visit us at 215 N. Missouri St. This will ensure the fastest response.

 © 2016 by First United Methodist Church

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